Horror Studies Working Group Publicity Links
2024: Adam Lowenstein interviewed for "The Jewish Horror Film: Taboo and Redemption," Frankly Judaic Podcast (host Jeremy Shere), Jean and Samuel Frankel Center for Judaic Studies, University of Michigan. https://lsa.umich.edu/judaic/resources/frankely-judaic-podcasts.html
Mar 2024: "And the Oscar for best picture doesn't go to ... horror!" by Brianna Scott NPR https://www.npr.org/2024/03/01/1234626714/2024-oscars-date-horror-nominees-awards
2023: Adam Lowenstein interviewed for “Adam Lowenstein and Max Bledstein on Horror Film and Otherness,” New Review of Film and Television Studies Podcast. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuEvIB7y1jY
2023: Adam Lowenstein interviewed for “Exploring the Gifts of Horror,” Convergence: 2022-23 Annual Report (Office of the Senior Vice Chancellor for Research, University of Pittsburgh): 31. https://pittresearchannualreport.com/special-collections-2023/exploring-the-gifts-of-horror
Aug 2023: Adam Lowenstein interviewed for Bethonie Butler, “Talk to Me Speaks to Everyone,” Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/arts-entertainment/2023/08/26/talk-to-me-horror-movie-a24/
Jun 2023: Adam Lowenstein interviewed for Shannon O. Wells, “Guggenheim Award Vindicates Lowenstein’s Passion for Horror Films,” University Times (University of Pittsburgh) 55.21. https://www.utimes.pitt.edu/news/guggenheim-award
May 2023: Adam Lowenstein interviewed for Krysta Fauria, “From Psycho to a New Crop of Horror Movies, the Genre Has Some Mommy Issues,” AP News. https://apnews.com/article/mothers-day-horror-movies-mommy-issues-37cadcf12f9f67ad3f2f4dfe4a31ee2f
May 2023: Adam Lowenstein interviewed for Kevin Gavin, “University of Pittsburgh Professor Receives Prestigious Guggenheim Fellowship,” The Confluence, WESA Pittsburgh/National Public Radio. https://www.wesa.fm/show/the-confluence/2023-05-01/pa-human-relations-commission-recommends-resources-policies-for-housing-affordability
Apr 2023: Adam Lowenstein interviewed for Adam Reinherz, “Jewish Pitt Prof, Horror Scholar, Receives Guggenheim Fellowship,” Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle. https://jewishchronicle.timesofisrael.com/jewish-pitt-prof-horror-scholar-receives-guggenheim-fellowship/
Apr 2023: Adam Lowenstein interviewed for “Need to Know: The Evolution of Horror Films and Gender Politics,” MTV News. https://twitter.com/MTVNEWS/status/1648416737895784448?s=20
Apr 2023: Adam Lowenstein interviewed for Joshua Axelrod, “‘Gift of Time and Focus’: Pitt Film Studies Professor Awarded 2023 Guggenheim Fellowship,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. https://www.post-gazette.com/ae/movies/2023/04/11/adam-lowenstein-pitt-horror-film-studies-professor-guggenheim-fellowship/stories/202304110081
Apr 2023: Adam Lowenstein interviewed for Donovan Harrell, “Pitt’s Adam Lowenstein is a 2023 Guggenheim Fellow,” Pittwire. https://www.pitt.edu/pittwire/features-articles/adam-lowenstein-guggenheim-2023
Apr 2023: Adam Lowenstein interviewed for Bill O’Driscoll, “Pitt Professor Wins Guggenheim Fellowship for Scholarship on Horror Films,” 90.5 WESA. https://www.wesa.fm/arts-sports-culture/2023-04-10/pitt-lowenstein-guggenheim-horror-films
Fall 2022: "Scholar of Scares." by Maureen Searcy The University of Chicago Magazine https://mag.uchicago.edu/lowenstein
Oct 2022: "Filmmaker Brings Tender Tale of Jewish Vampire to Pittsburgh." by Adam Reinherz Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle https://jewishchronicle.timesofisrael.com/filmmaker-brings-tender-tale-of-jewish-vampire-to-pittsburgh/
Oct 2022: "It's Scary How Much George Romero Still Influences Pittsburgh's Film Industry." by Jason Phox Next Pittsburgh https://nextpittsburgh.com/latest-news/its-scary-how-much-george-romero-still-influences-pittsburghs-film-industry/?fbclid=IwAR3cLZYYp38ciGBE2hHg1uF343MywkgXk4WEyoOD-7HwwvKjcSfYNTXTQ0Y
Oct 2022: "Adam Lowenstein on Horror, George Romero and the Quality of 'Otherness.'" by Adam Reinherz Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle https://jewishchronicle.timesofisrael.com/adam-lowenstein-on-horror-george-romero-and-the-quality-of-otherness/
Oct 2022: "Why Victorian Houses Look So Haunted." by Rachel Kurzius The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/home/2022/10/27/why-victorian-houses-look-haunted/
Sept: 2022: "When Fine Dining is a Horror Show." by Amy McCarthy Eater https://www.eater.com/23329064/the-menu-horror-movie-restaurant-scary-movie-tropes-eating
Feb 2022: "Black Heritage Horror Writer's Association Interview Series" Introduction by Linda D. Addison https://horror.org/black-heritage-hwa-interview-series-introduction-by-linda-d-addison/
Jan 2022: "George Romero and Bill Cardille Archives Helping to Turn Pittsburgh Into Horror Haven," by Joshua Axelrod. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Jan 28, 2022
Nov 2021: "Global Horror Studies is Born at the University of Pittsburgh," by Norman England. Eiga hiho. Nov, 2021. From the article: "Pittsburgh is famous among horror fans around the world for its association with George Romero and as a location for Night of the Living Dead. . . . Horror as a genre has a history of struggling to be taken seriously. Pitt's program may suggest a cultural shift . . . Look out for it!"
October 2021: "'Fear Street' Screenwriter Explores Queer Horror with Horror Studies Working Group," by Diana Velasquez. The Pitt News Oct 12, 2021 pittnews.com/article/167819/arts-and-entertainment/fear-street-screenwriter-explores-queer-horror-with-horror-studies-working-group/
August 2021: “Knowledge Can Be Scary,” about the Horror Studies Archive and GARF, by Erik Luers. Filmmaker Magazine vol. 29, no, 4, pp. 98-101.
August 2021: “Blood, Guts, and Empowering Women Drive This Recent Pitt Grad.” Give to Pitt. Hyperlink. URL: https://www.giveto.pitt.edu/s/1729/2-pittsburgh/interior.aspx?sid=1729&gid=2&pgid=4852
July 2021: “Out of the Dark,” about the Duane Jones documentary project. Pitt Magazine. Hyperlink. URL: https://www.pittmag.pitt.edu/news/out-dark
March 19, 2021: “ ‘Black History is Black Horror’: Panel Discusses Legacy of Black Slasher Film Candyman” by Lucas DiBlasi, Pittwire. (Event co-sponsored by HSWG, Northwestern University, and Northumbria University, and hosted by the SCMS Horror Studies SIG. Hyperlink.
URL: https://pittnews.com/article/164327/arts-and-entertainment/black-history-is-black-horror-panel-discusses-legacy-of-black-slasher-film-candyman/
March 2, 2021: “Horror Studies Group Focuses on the Impact of Women” by Sharon S. Blake, Pittwire. Hyperlink.
URL: https://www.pittwire.pitt.edu/news/horror-studies-group-focuses-impact-women
March 1, 2021: “Director Lesley Manning Speaks With Horror Experts About ‘Ghostwatch’” by Beatrice McDermott, The Pitt News. Hyperlink.
URL: https://pittnews.com/article/163840/arts-and-entertainment/director-lesley-manning-speaks-with-horror-experts-about-ghostwatch/
October 29, 2020: “They Scream! We Scream!” by Melena Ryzik, New York Times. Hyperlink.
URL: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/29/movies/scream-horror.html?auth=login-email&login=email
October 28, 2020: “3 Things I Learned From Teaching Students About Horror Pioneer George Romero’s Movies During These Scary Times” by Carl Kurlander, The Conversation. Hyperlink.
URL: https://theconversation.com/3-things-i-learned-from-teaching-students-about-horror-pioneer-george-romeros-movies-during-these-scary-times-148614
October 14, 2020: “Honors College Fights Prejudice With the Paranormal” by Sinead McDevitt, The Pitt News. Hyperlink.
URL: https://pittnews.com/article/160976/arts-and-entertainment/honors-college-fights-prejudice-with-the-paranormal/
October 8, 2020: “Honors College Building ‘Horror Genre as Social Force’ Scholar Community” by Susan Jones, The University Times. Hyperlink.
URL: https://www.utimes.pitt.edu/news/honors-college-building
2024: Adam Lowenstein interviewed for "The Jewish Horror Film: Taboo and Redemption," Frankly Judaic Podcast (host Jeremy Shere), Jean and Samuel Frankel Center for Judaic Studies, University of Michigan. https://lsa.umich.edu/judaic/resources/frankely-judaic-podcasts.html
Mar 2024: "And the Oscar for best picture doesn't go to ... horror!" by Brianna Scott NPR https://www.npr.org/2024/03/01/1234626714/2024-oscars-date-horror-nominees-awards
2023: Adam Lowenstein interviewed for “Adam Lowenstein and Max Bledstein on Horror Film and Otherness,” New Review of Film and Television Studies Podcast. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuEvIB7y1jY
2023: Adam Lowenstein interviewed for “Exploring the Gifts of Horror,” Convergence: 2022-23 Annual Report (Office of the Senior Vice Chancellor for Research, University of Pittsburgh): 31. https://pittresearchannualreport.com/special-collections-2023/exploring-the-gifts-of-horror
Aug 2023: Adam Lowenstein interviewed for Bethonie Butler, “Talk to Me Speaks to Everyone,” Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/arts-entertainment/2023/08/26/talk-to-me-horror-movie-a24/
Jun 2023: Adam Lowenstein interviewed for Shannon O. Wells, “Guggenheim Award Vindicates Lowenstein’s Passion for Horror Films,” University Times (University of Pittsburgh) 55.21. https://www.utimes.pitt.edu/news/guggenheim-award
May 2023: Adam Lowenstein interviewed for Krysta Fauria, “From Psycho to a New Crop of Horror Movies, the Genre Has Some Mommy Issues,” AP News. https://apnews.com/article/mothers-day-horror-movies-mommy-issues-37cadcf12f9f67ad3f2f4dfe4a31ee2f
May 2023: Adam Lowenstein interviewed for Kevin Gavin, “University of Pittsburgh Professor Receives Prestigious Guggenheim Fellowship,” The Confluence, WESA Pittsburgh/National Public Radio. https://www.wesa.fm/show/the-confluence/2023-05-01/pa-human-relations-commission-recommends-resources-policies-for-housing-affordability
Apr 2023: Adam Lowenstein interviewed for Adam Reinherz, “Jewish Pitt Prof, Horror Scholar, Receives Guggenheim Fellowship,” Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle. https://jewishchronicle.timesofisrael.com/jewish-pitt-prof-horror-scholar-receives-guggenheim-fellowship/
Apr 2023: Adam Lowenstein interviewed for “Need to Know: The Evolution of Horror Films and Gender Politics,” MTV News. https://twitter.com/MTVNEWS/status/1648416737895784448?s=20
Apr 2023: Adam Lowenstein interviewed for Joshua Axelrod, “‘Gift of Time and Focus’: Pitt Film Studies Professor Awarded 2023 Guggenheim Fellowship,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. https://www.post-gazette.com/ae/movies/2023/04/11/adam-lowenstein-pitt-horror-film-studies-professor-guggenheim-fellowship/stories/202304110081
Apr 2023: Adam Lowenstein interviewed for Donovan Harrell, “Pitt’s Adam Lowenstein is a 2023 Guggenheim Fellow,” Pittwire. https://www.pitt.edu/pittwire/features-articles/adam-lowenstein-guggenheim-2023
Apr 2023: Adam Lowenstein interviewed for Bill O’Driscoll, “Pitt Professor Wins Guggenheim Fellowship for Scholarship on Horror Films,” 90.5 WESA. https://www.wesa.fm/arts-sports-culture/2023-04-10/pitt-lowenstein-guggenheim-horror-films
Fall 2022: "Scholar of Scares." by Maureen Searcy The University of Chicago Magazine https://mag.uchicago.edu/lowenstein
Oct 2022: "Filmmaker Brings Tender Tale of Jewish Vampire to Pittsburgh." by Adam Reinherz Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle https://jewishchronicle.timesofisrael.com/filmmaker-brings-tender-tale-of-jewish-vampire-to-pittsburgh/
Oct 2022: "It's Scary How Much George Romero Still Influences Pittsburgh's Film Industry." by Jason Phox Next Pittsburgh https://nextpittsburgh.com/latest-news/its-scary-how-much-george-romero-still-influences-pittsburghs-film-industry/?fbclid=IwAR3cLZYYp38ciGBE2hHg1uF343MywkgXk4WEyoOD-7HwwvKjcSfYNTXTQ0Y
Oct 2022: "Adam Lowenstein on Horror, George Romero and the Quality of 'Otherness.'" by Adam Reinherz Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle https://jewishchronicle.timesofisrael.com/adam-lowenstein-on-horror-george-romero-and-the-quality-of-otherness/
Oct 2022: "Why Victorian Houses Look So Haunted." by Rachel Kurzius The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/home/2022/10/27/why-victorian-houses-look-haunted/
Sept: 2022: "When Fine Dining is a Horror Show." by Amy McCarthy Eater https://www.eater.com/23329064/the-menu-horror-movie-restaurant-scary-movie-tropes-eating
Feb 2022: "Black Heritage Horror Writer's Association Interview Series" Introduction by Linda D. Addison https://horror.org/black-heritage-hwa-interview-series-introduction-by-linda-d-addison/
Jan 2022: "George Romero and Bill Cardille Archives Helping to Turn Pittsburgh Into Horror Haven," by Joshua Axelrod. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Jan 28, 2022
Nov 2021: "Global Horror Studies is Born at the University of Pittsburgh," by Norman England. Eiga hiho. Nov, 2021. From the article: "Pittsburgh is famous among horror fans around the world for its association with George Romero and as a location for Night of the Living Dead. . . . Horror as a genre has a history of struggling to be taken seriously. Pitt's program may suggest a cultural shift . . . Look out for it!"
October 2021: "'Fear Street' Screenwriter Explores Queer Horror with Horror Studies Working Group," by Diana Velasquez. The Pitt News Oct 12, 2021 pittnews.com/article/167819/arts-and-entertainment/fear-street-screenwriter-explores-queer-horror-with-horror-studies-working-group/
August 2021: “Knowledge Can Be Scary,” about the Horror Studies Archive and GARF, by Erik Luers. Filmmaker Magazine vol. 29, no, 4, pp. 98-101.
August 2021: “Blood, Guts, and Empowering Women Drive This Recent Pitt Grad.” Give to Pitt. Hyperlink. URL: https://www.giveto.pitt.edu/s/1729/2-pittsburgh/interior.aspx?sid=1729&gid=2&pgid=4852
July 2021: “Out of the Dark,” about the Duane Jones documentary project. Pitt Magazine. Hyperlink. URL: https://www.pittmag.pitt.edu/news/out-dark
March 19, 2021: “ ‘Black History is Black Horror’: Panel Discusses Legacy of Black Slasher Film Candyman” by Lucas DiBlasi, Pittwire. (Event co-sponsored by HSWG, Northwestern University, and Northumbria University, and hosted by the SCMS Horror Studies SIG. Hyperlink.
URL: https://pittnews.com/article/164327/arts-and-entertainment/black-history-is-black-horror-panel-discusses-legacy-of-black-slasher-film-candyman/
March 2, 2021: “Horror Studies Group Focuses on the Impact of Women” by Sharon S. Blake, Pittwire. Hyperlink.
URL: https://www.pittwire.pitt.edu/news/horror-studies-group-focuses-impact-women
March 1, 2021: “Director Lesley Manning Speaks With Horror Experts About ‘Ghostwatch’” by Beatrice McDermott, The Pitt News. Hyperlink.
URL: https://pittnews.com/article/163840/arts-and-entertainment/director-lesley-manning-speaks-with-horror-experts-about-ghostwatch/
October 29, 2020: “They Scream! We Scream!” by Melena Ryzik, New York Times. Hyperlink.
URL: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/29/movies/scream-horror.html?auth=login-email&login=email
October 28, 2020: “3 Things I Learned From Teaching Students About Horror Pioneer George Romero’s Movies During These Scary Times” by Carl Kurlander, The Conversation. Hyperlink.
URL: https://theconversation.com/3-things-i-learned-from-teaching-students-about-horror-pioneer-george-romeros-movies-during-these-scary-times-148614
October 14, 2020: “Honors College Fights Prejudice With the Paranormal” by Sinead McDevitt, The Pitt News. Hyperlink.
URL: https://pittnews.com/article/160976/arts-and-entertainment/honors-college-fights-prejudice-with-the-paranormal/
October 8, 2020: “Honors College Building ‘Horror Genre as Social Force’ Scholar Community” by Susan Jones, The University Times. Hyperlink.
URL: https://www.utimes.pitt.edu/news/honors-college-building